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New Building, New Rooms, New Opportunities

The new Forum at Domshof building provides fresh solutions for work and meeting spaces

Campus Life

A great idea: Leasing a building that is only eight years old in a central city center location with the additional benefit of completing building updates before moving in. Soon the university will have a new building that meets the most modern standards – Forum at Domshof. It is easier to implement changes here than at the more than 50-year-old campus in Horn-Lehe.

A glimpse into the future: A student and law professor meet by chance in the entrance area of Forum at Domshof. Because the lawyer has just signed said student on as a student assistant and has a work assignment to relay to them, the two of them decide to go for coffee to discuss the details. This is just as easily said as done. The cafeteria is right in front of them, in the former entrance hall of the bank. Because the sun is still shining and the weather is pleasant, they take their cappuccinos outside to a table in the courtyard and begin exchanging ideas.

Of course, this scenario is achievable on campus as well. However, the meeting points and café options there are not quite as conveniently located as they are in the new Forum at Domshof building. “We have a new, contemporary, modern building with a completely different layout than the buildings on campus. This opens up several new possibilities for us,” says Heike Hemmersbach, head of Room Management at the university.

These possibilities extend beyond going for coffee or taking a quick break in the cafeteria. The working world has changed since COVID, and in addition to working from home opportunities, the way of thinking about work has led to concepts such as open spaces. This refers to open floor plans with small kitchens that offer opportunities for meetings and discussions. Rooms with workspaces or “work islands” with power outlets and network connections that are not permanently assigned to anyone, but can be used as needed, are part of the modern working culture as well. Just connect your laptop and you can get to work.

A corridor in the Forum at Domshof
A completely different set up than on campus – Forum at Domshof provides a multitude of new possibilities.
© Felix Clebowski / Universität Bremen

Wide Corridors and Spacious Rooms

“Forum at Domshof has all of this,” says Andrea Saathoff from the Room Management team. “This was explicitly requested – and the wide corridors and spacious premises make it possible.” There is also flexible furniture, so you can quickly assemble chairs and tables in a corner for a spontaneous discussion.

The courtyard, which the university has created direct access to, is quite special. “When the weather permits, the courtyard provides an excellent location for small celebrations or just for relaxing,” says Heike Hemmersbach. It will have two trees, benches, and other furniture – “we are still planning, and everything should be flexible.” The entrance to the courtyard, the former banking hall, is also ideal for meetings and get-togethers, for celebrations and events.

Great View of the Marketplace and Cathedral Courtyard

The dining hall on the sixth floor is also suited for meetings. After the food service hours are over, this is a great place for studying. “This is a large light-flooded room, why not use it for more than just food?” asks Andrea Saathoff. There are other event rooms on the upper level, so Saathoff expects that there will be a lot going on here anyway. “The dining hall offers a great view of the market square and Domshof, which is sure to attract many people.” As the icing on the cake, there is also a balcony, narrow but long, with an adjacent room: “A great location for festivities,” Saathoff is convinced.

Entrance hall Forum at Domshof
Forum at Domshof is equipped with open spaces and small kitchens that provide many opportunities for meeting and exchanging ideas.
© Felix Clebowski / Universität Bremen

Because Forum at Domshof is not only the university’s most central location in the city, but also an outpost of the campus in Horn-Lehe, there will also be rooms for those who normally work on campus, and occasionally need space for meetings or to work in the city center. Such groups include Room Management, IT and technical services, as well as the University Executive Board, visitors from other faculties, or University Communication and Marketing. “Rooms were set aside for this and can be booked through the Room and Multimedia Scheduling Office – similar to reserving rooms on campus.” However, this does not mean that it is possible to move a seminar to the city center with clever use of the booking system. The Room and Multimedia Scheduling Office oversees such bookings. “Priority will be given to the interests of the Faculty of Law and the institutes and institutions located in the city center,” says Hemmersbach.

Changes Below the Surface

Now it’s time to take a look down. After all, something is happening below the surface at Forum at Domshof – quite a lot, actually. The building has three underground floors. “240 bicycle parking spaces are being prepared in the first basement level. A separate area will provide 50 bicycle spaces for employees, as well as showers and changing rooms,” says Heike Hemmersbach. A dream come true: After riding your bike to work, you can shower and go to the office refreshed!

The second level below ground will encompass parking spaces, including some for visitors. In addition, there are rooms for storage and for the building’s technology infrastructure. The third floor below ground will primarily provide space for the Studierendenwerk (student services organization). This will include food storage and refrigeration rooms, but also common rooms for the employees. You can access the upper levels from here with the (cargo) elevator – and the athletically inclined can take the stairs between the building’s many floors.

Further Information

More impressions of the Forum am Domshof can be found on the website of the University of Bremen

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