© Universität Bremen/Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft
PRAXIS Summer Camp: Students Tackle Real Business Tasks
Students from the University of Bremen can demonstrate their existing skills while learning from practical experience
Every year, economics students from the University of Bremen, Constructor University, and other partner universities come together for PRAXIS Summer Camp, in which numerous local companies take part. The Faculty of Economics is currently preparing this summer’s PRAXIS Summer Camp. The projects will be presented to the students in April. Three students who participated last summer semester tell us what they took away from it.
Why did you participate in Summer Camp 2023?
Jean-Pierre Tas (2nd semester, Information Systems and Management): I had already taken part in the Career Camp in March and particularly enjoyed the networking, because you get to talk to other people and make contacts for applications. Of course, I also did it to earn credit points.
Cindy Karlsen (10th semester, Business Administration): I was fascinated by the idea of getting involved in practical projects with companies for a short but intensive period of time. I also liked the opportunity to network and get to know interesting companies.
Lukas Tiefensee (6th semester of a master’s degree in Computer Science): There were three of us in our team. We took part to gain practical experience and get in touch with companies. Personally, I was particularly interested in our business partner Visionskultur, as it is a non-profit organization.
What did your team work on specifically?
Jean-Pierre: My team worked on what is known as the “customer journey” at BTC. Our task was to improve the process of acquiring and retaining customers. BTC deals with B2B –business-to-business – which refers to a company’s commercial transactions with other companies.
Cindy: We performed a competitive analysis for a new software, conducted a case study, and developed a manual.
Lukas: We developed a concept for a communication and networking app and createda paper prototype.
What have you learned that you did not know before?
Jean-Pierre: Technical terms of the customer journey, for example “cold calling.”
Cindy: Managing your own project.
Lukas: We could all learn a great deal from each other. For example, I was able to show my teammates some of the design tools that I already knew.
What was your biggest challenge?
Jean-Pierre: We had to have a precise understanding of the often very open-ended tasks. In addition to our TOPAS Industrial Mathematics coach, an additional mentor from the “markstones institute” supported us. Another challenge was that our proposed solutions had to be feasible.
Cindy: The biggest challenge for us was probably delivering the presentation in English. We all speak English reasonably well, but it was an unfamiliar situation.
Lukas: It was great that we had a coach supporting us. Silke Melzer-Counen from the University of Bremen, research assistant from the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship, gave us valuable input for our project. She also helped us prepare our final public presentation. Having a person to contact at all times was very valuable.
What do you expect from the working world?
Jean-Pierre: Good professional integration with initial support, without being thrown in at the deep end. I expect respect and communication at eye level.
Cindy: I expect from the working world that I will have a chance for personal development in the interests of the company. I want to be able to contribute my ideas and my personality and thus make a difference in the company. I also expect a friendly, cooperative environment, and an open-minded atmosphere.
Lukas: Like many people of my generation, I have different expectations than previous ones. Working conditions and having a meaningful job are much more important to me than a high salary. In IT, this can sometimes be achieved with remote work.
In terms of working conditions, for me, it means favorable working hours, hierarchies, independence, and good interpersonal communication. In terms of meaningfulness, that is something individual that everyone has to determine for themselves. I am not yet entirely sure what that means for me. I would like to find out after I have graduated.
Further information
Find out more about the PRAXIS Summer Camp on their website.