Photo: Torsten Bolik / University of Bremen
The University of Bremen Is Turning 50!
The preparations for an event program in 2021 have begun. All university members are invited to participate.
50 years of the University of Bremen, 50 years of science and studying in the hanseatic city. That is something that we should celebrate! But why? It is with this unexpected question that Oliver Behnecke, project head for “50 Years of the University of Bremen”, opens the first university-wide planning meeting in the Mensa cafeteria.
Around 70 university staff members and guests from various city institutes are discuss the 50 Years of the University of Bremen project in the frame of a world café. Before the discussions in small groups begin, the University of Bremen president, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, provides information on the special event: “In 2021, our university will turn 50. This is a special opportunity to make the Bremen university regionally, nationally, and internationally more visible for the next years and to anchor it more strongly within the community. Naturally, it is also a reason to celebrate ourselves and the success of the last decades. We can truly be proud of our development!”

Photo: Birgit Bruns / University of Bremen
Oliver Behnecke then presents the specifics of said development using some details from the university’s history: the founding “on the green fields”, semester start in October 1971 with 400 students, the official ceremony in the city hall, the subsequent opening party on campus. “We would like to visit the city hall in the frame of a ceremony exactly 50 years later, on October 14, 2021,” he states.
The Whole City Will Be the Campus
There are already a few ideas for the jubilee year. For example, it is already clear that OPEN CAMPUS in June 2021 will be bigger. The CAMPUS CITY project is planned for October 2021. This could involve lectures and scientific events being held in trams, stores, pubs, and museums in the city center. “The 50th birthday of the University of Bremen is a chance to tell the stories of yesterday, today, and tomorrow,” explains Behnecke.

Photo: Birgit Bruns / University of Bremen
Then the creativity of the panel is required. Everyone finds a place at a table and discusses the key question for 15 minutes. There is one large piece of paper and a great deal of pens in the middle of each table. The answers to the first questions of “Why are we celebrating the 50th birthday of our university?” seem to flow: “Because we are proud of our university”, “Because celebrating is fun”, “Because we belong together and want to connect the generations!”
Science in the Tram
Ring, ring – a bell is sounded. The 15 minutes are over. On to the next table. But which one? That is irrelevant – any one where there is space. New faces and a new discussion topic: “How will we celebrate the 50th birthday? The idea with the tram is developed further – maybe we could do it like the buten un binnen regional magazine, which sometimes “takes over” a tram and films the show there? Interjection: “But then please not only tram 6, which goes to the university anyway. We should be visible in the whole city – in Gröpelingen and Huchting as well.” Duly noted. After 45 minutes of creative thinking, there is a break. Then each table host presents the results. Oliver Behnecke and the team are happy: “There were many great ideas.” And now? There will be further panning meetings. Teaching staff and students will be addressed and motivated to participate.
You want to participate?
You have an idea for the 50th birthday of the University of Bremen or want to become involved in a different way? Then contact Oliver Behnecke via email oliver.behnecke@vw.uni-bremen.de.