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Corona Crisis: How Students Can Apply for Financial Aid
You’ve lost your part-time job because of the corona crisis and are now in a difficult financial situation? Don’t worry! There’s help!
No job, no money – the corona crisis has not spared students. Many have a part-time job in the catering trade, but restaurants, cafés, and pubs have been closed for weeks. On Tuesday, the Bremen Senate decided to top up the loan fund of the Bremen Student Services Organization to help those affected.
In total, the politicians made 500,000 euros available. They want to avoid students, who have come into a difficult financial situation through no fault of their own, being forced to stop their degrees due to the corona crisis. However, there is no legal claim to the loan. The money will flow as long as it is there. “Those affected should use this opportunity to submit an application, as long as they are not receiving a BAföG loan and are secured in this way,” recommends Maurice Mäschig, spokesperson of the Bremen Student Services Organization.
Who Will Receive a Loan?
Students in need who are enrolled at the University of Bremen or another university in Bremen State can apply. Foreign students may also apply for a loan.
There are two ways of receiving the money. If you have already applied for BAföG in the past, you only have to submit an informal application with the missing documents and must update the old details you supplied. The Bremen Student Services Organization provides more detailed information. This also applies if your BAföG application was rejected.
Further documents are required if you have never applied for BAföG. Information on this is also available from the Bremen Student Services Organization.
This loan is not intended for those who already receive BAföG. There is another way for you: If your situation has changed due to the corona crisis, for example if your parents are now in the short-time working system and can no longer support you as usual, you can submit a BAföG amendment application.
How Much Money Is Available?
How much money you will receive is based on your individual situation. Generally, monthly payments of up to 550 euros are possible. The loan will be paid with retrospective effect from April 1, 2020, for up to three months. The loan is there to secure your livelihood and is therefore for food, rent, and bills.
You can spend it on stuff for your degree, learning materials, or to cover the costs of an excursion or an internship. However, the loan is not there to pay off existing loans or to help other people.
What Are the Repayment Details?
It is an interest-free loan. At the latest, you must start to pay back the loan one year after you received the last installment. Monthly repayments must be at least 50 euros.
What Aid Is there for Foreign Students?
The charitable organization XENOS provides financial aid especially to foreign students in difficult situations. More information can be found on the XENOS website.
Useful Links
Information on the loan fund of the Bremen Student Services Organization
Welfare advice from Bremen Student Services Organization
FAQs regarding studying during the corona pandemic