Have You Heard of ... CampusKino?
The Large Lecture Hall Turns Into a Cinema
New blockbusters, popular classics, or real insider tips: every semester, the CampusKino team at the University of Bremen selects great movies and hosts movie nights in the “Keksdose”. Of course, popcorn is just as important as regular themed evenings. Farina and Arne talk about what motivates them, who chooses the movies, and how you too can take part in the Bremen CampusKino.
Farina is studying Digital Media, a program organized between the University of the Arts and the University of Bremen. Arne is a cinema fan and is studying Environmental Physics for a master’s degree.
When and how was CampusKino founded?
Farina: CampusKino has existed since the summer semester 2019. Its foundation goes back to a friend who wanted to start a university cinema in Bremen. He was looking for people who wanted to take part – and I was there right away. Getting it set up was actually much easier than expected: we get the licenses, printed material such as program booklets and flyers, and a website through a network partner specializing in lecture theater cinemas. We pay the fees for this from the very low admission prices.
Arne: Finding a space was also simple: we were able to book the large lecture hall very easily via the university’s Veranstaltungsbüro (office for room reservation and multimedia equipment) to show the first movies. The place has remained the same to this day. All we had to do was organize a Blu-ray player, which we connected to the lecture hall technology.
Which movies do you show and who chooses them?
Farina: We are now a team of around 20 students. Every semester we receive a list of the network partners from which we select our favorites. The list always includes new releases that have just been shown in the movie theaters, but also classics such as Harry Potter. We can also request movies of our choice or get the license ourselves. We did this in the summer semester, for instance, when we showed a Ukrainian movie. In general, we try to cover as many genres as possible with our selection.
Arne: First of all, everyone in the team chooses their favorites. Then we meet and watch trailers together. We also like to go to the “sneak” together to discover new movies. We come from very different degree courses, but we all share a love of cinema.
“We come from very different degree courses, but we all share a love of cinema.” Arne
How do you plan the movie nights?
Farina: The “extras” that go along with the movie nights are also very important to us. Of course, we also have cheap snacks and drinks that we organize ourselves. In the summer semester, we were finally able to use our income to get our own popcorn machine. This is obviously even more fun than selling ready-made popcorn.
Arne: To make the movie nights even better, we plan special events every now and then: watching Harry Potter in costume or holding a sing-along evening to High School Musical, for example. But “ScienceCinema” is also an integral part of our program. We invite experts to discuss a topic with us after the movie. For instance, we already held an evening on the topic of law and a themed evening on women’s self-determination in cooperation with the Autonomous Feminist Unit of the University of Bremen. We also organize a kids’ cinema event every semester.
Who can help out?
Farina: Everyone is welcome here. You can simply get in touch with us at the movie night or write to us via our social media channels. We are always happy to welcome new people!
Further Information:
Website of the Bremen CampusKino