Kale Alarm!
Waiting for the first frost is only interesting to many people because of one thing: It means that kale season is finally here!
However, opinions are divided. For some, it is called brown cabbage (Braunkohl) and for others, it is only to be eaten with the traditional Pinkel sausage, boiled sausage (Kochwurst), or cured pork (Kasseler) – or with all three! There is, however, a new trend: Kale crisps, kale pesto, kale salad, kale curry, kale quiche… There are currently 575 kale recipes on chefkoch.de!
Regardless of what you like to call it, most people here in the North like to eat kale in winter in the traditional way. A vegan version is now also available in the mensa (cafeteria). Since 2019, kale has been available without meat and it is popular!
Long Mensa Queues
When the Student Services Organization has kale on their menu, the mensa queues are particularly long. Around 6,200 meals are usually served each day. On days where there is kale, roughly 500 more meals leave the kitchen and hundreds of kilograms of kale are cooked. When one includes the external mensa locations in the NW1 building and at the University of the Arts Bremen, who receive their food from the central university mensa, kale is served approximately 2,700 times per day.
On the Menu
A tip for anyone who is hungry: On February 13, the mensa is serving kale with cured pork and potatoes again – and the vegan kale will be available as a side dish!
There is even a reminder via the Telegram channel so that you don’t miss out.