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Let’s Have a Party – The Perfect Start for First-Year Students

Pia Schukowski from the University of Bremen’s event management team tells up2date. about preparations for the Uni Start Party on October 18

Campus Life / Starting Your Degree

Gabriela Susinska, event management trainee at the University of Bremen, is preparing the Uni Start Party with her team to welcome new students. She talks to her colleague Pia Schukowski about the team’s party plans, highlighting the challenges and all the things that must be considered.

What is the Uni Start Party and whom is it geared towards?

The university start party takes place in the university dining hall (Mensa) and is primarily aimed at students in their first semester. At the same time, students from upper semesters are also welcome. The party is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the semester together and to meet new people.

What challenges have you faced in planning and organizing so far?

It is challenging to stay current on communication with all the different service providers, such as event technology, security forces, and the DJ. It is not always easy to keep track of everything and keep everyone up to date.

Pia Schukowski on the university boulevard
“The party is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the semester together and to meet new people,” says Pia Schukowski from the university’s event management team.
© Universität Bremen / Annemarie Popp

One of my roles in the team is coordinating tasks with the photographer. What tasks do the other team members have?

We are a three-person team with our colleague Melanie Tesch. Melanie is in charge of arrangements with the technical service providers and the security personnel and I am responsible for setting up the ticket sales as well as for coordinating plans with the Studierendenwerk, which is providing drinks for the event. There are a variety of additional tasks as well that are more difficult to list.

What do you do to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and safe during the Uni Start Party?

We reject all forms of discrimination and harassment. We have been working with a security service provider for some time to ensure basic security at the event. In addition, we have medical service personnel on site, which is stationed in a separate, protected room below the cafeteria. A specially trained awareness team is also available and can be contacted at any time if anyone feels uncomfortable. Numerous signs in the university dining hall (Mensa) ensure that all visitors are aware and informed about this.

How will you measure the event’s success afterwards?

This is a tricky question. You can measure in numbers the success of ticket sales, but since the event’s aim is not to generate profit, the success of the event is difficult to quantify. Our goal is to create an event for the first-year students, where they can dance, have fun, and meet new people. If the mood is as good as at the previous Uni Start Parties and we receive positive feedback from the students, we will consider the event a success.

Further Information

The Uni Start Party will take place on October 18 as of 8 p.m. in the University of Bremen’s dining hall (Mensa). The party provides the setting for getting to know new people and exchanging ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. DJ Lozano will play the best music for a great evening. Tokens for food and beverages can be purchased in cash on site. Payment with a debit or credit card is not possible. Ticket sale

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Universität Bremen