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Strengthening European Cohesion: New YUFE Leadership

A conversation with Daniel Mouchard and Jutta Günther

University & Society / Solidarity

Ten higher education institutions, one European university – this is the core of what the YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) alliance represents. It offers students, teachers, researchers, as well as technical and administrative staff opportunities to network at the European level. Since September 2024, the Alliance has been under new leadership. The president is now Professor Daniel Mouchard, President of the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris). Professor Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, is the new vice president. In this interview, they reveal what about YUFE inspires them and where they want to lead the alliance in the future.

Mr. Mouchard, Ms. Günther, congratulations on your presidency! What motivated you to go up for election?

Daniel Mouchard: As a professor of political science, I focus a lot on European topics. With this background, the concept of YUFE really appealed to me. Our university, Sorbonne Nouvelle, has been highly dynamic throughout its integration into YUFE and our community has been eager to embrace a more European identity. In addition, the strong energy and solidarity within the YUFE team and among the YUFE partners, which was evident during our meetings, further motivated me. This combination of factors inspired me to run for the position of president, along with Jutta as vice president.

Jutta Günther: We are both united in our ambition to strengthen European cohesion – especially at a time characterized by polarization and anti-European movements. We worked very well together before our election. That is why I am all the more pleased to take office together with Daniel Mouchard.

Portrait Daniel Mouchard
Daniel Mouchard has been President of the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle since April 2023. He is a professor of political science at the Institut d’Etudes Européennes. His research interests lie in the field of political sociology and political theory in a European context.
Before becoming president, Daniel Mouchard served as director of the Faculty of Langues, littératures, cultures and sociétés étrangères of the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle since 2018. Prior to this, he held positions as deputy director, then director of the Faculty of European Studies (2006-2008) and vice chairman of the Board of Directors (2008-2010). Between 2010 and 2018, he worked in the cabinet of the mayor of Paris, first as an advisor and later as Cabinet Director of the Deputy Mayor for Higher Education, Research and Student Life.
© Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

What will your work together entail?

Jutta Günther: We preside over the Strategic Council, YUFE’s highest decision-making body. This is where the leaders of all YUFE universities meet to advise on strategic direction and plan milestones. We meet several times a year at one of the participating universities and in numerous online meetings.

Daniel Mouchard: The commitment of the entire YUFE team, in particular YUFE General Secretary Valerie Schegk and the employees in the Central Office, is fundamental to our work. Contributing to YUFE as president and vice-president on top of our tasks as university presidents is only possible thanks to their support.

YUFE’s central office in Brussels has only recently been instated. What function does it serve?

Daniel Mouchard: Valerie Schegk works in the Central Office with six other YUFE colleagues who are responsible for the central organization of YUFE. They oversee the strategic direction of YUFE and manage the central press and public relations efforts.

Jutta Günther: The Central Office was also created because an association was founded at the beginning of this year under Belgian law (AISBL) to support YUFE. This is an important milestone for YUFE, which strengthens our cooperation and gives the alliance a more lasting perspective. The establishment of the Central Office is one of the many achievements of the previous YUFE President Rianne Letschert. We are building on the foundation laid by her commitment.

Portrait Jutta Günther
Jutta Günther has been President of the University of Bremen since September 2022 and professor of economics at the University of Bremen since 2014. Her research focuses on innovation processes, structural change and economic aspects of system transformation. From 2002 to 2014, she worked as a researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH). There she held various academic management positions, including head of department and member of the board. Between 2020 and 2022, she was Vice President Research at the University of Bremen.
© Universität Bremen / Matej Meza

What is YUFE’s current status and what plans do you have for the future?

Jutta Günther: YUFE turned five years old this year, making it one of the oldest European university alliances. We have a very wide range of products for many different target groups. Our joint bachelor’s program “Urban Sustainability Studies,” which is expected to start in the 2025/26 academic year, is aimed at students. The YUFE4Postdocs program offers attractive positions for young researchers. Technical and administrative staff also benefit from international training opportunities. In the next few years, we will consider how to further expand these offers and where we want to focus.

Daniel Mouchard: It is important to us not to decide this alone, but to actively involve university employees and students. A particular concern for us is the close cooperation with the YUFE Student Forum, which gives YUFE students a voice.

To what extent do you want to expand the YUFE network in the coming years?

Daniel Mouchard: We strive to be an open alliance that actively engages with society, be it companies, policymakers or NGOs. Our goal is to intensify these connections in the future.

Jutta Günther: We are also currently working on a strategy for cooperation with universities outside the EU. As a European university alliance, we do not want to adopt a Eurocentric perspective, but want to be in dialogue with universities from all over the world. We will explore what that would mean in concrete terms in the near future.

Further information

YUFE Website

University of Bremen YUFE Website

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