© Lukas Klose / Universität Bremen
Study at the University of Bremen? Meike Knows WHY
From September 1 to 15, prospective students can apply for degree programs
Meike Wienholt is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Bremen. The 25-year-old deliberately chose this degree program after having gained some experience studying at the University of the Arts. Why Bremen? Why computer science? Meike explained her choices in an interview with up2date.
Meike, what motivated you to study at the University of Bremen?
The choice was obvious for me. I grew up in Bremerhaven and finished school there. My family lives nearby, and I already had friends at the University of Bremen. When my best friend began studying here, I thought, “Why not?” I already knew someone here, had a possibility for an apartment, and that made the decision easy.
I see; that sounds like a very solid basis. And how did you decide to study computer science?
I was interested even before I started looking into the degree program. During my Digital Media degree at the University of the Arts, I realized that I would prefer computer science. And my boyfriend at the time, who was studying at the University of Bremen, had told me a lot about the computer science courses and lecturers. All of it was very positive, which is why I decided to transfer.
And you would like to specialize in artificial intelligence and security for your master’s degree, correct?
Yeah, that is the plan! I took elective courses in AI as part of my bachelor’s degree, and am looking forward to learning more during the master’s program. The University of Bremen offers a broad selection of areas of focus for example, in quality and security or in digital media and interaction, which is the direction I would like to take. I already applied for the Computer Science master’s program at the University of Bremen and hope I will be accepted and can delve into the area even more. Artificial Intelligence has so many applications that fascinate me. We shall see where this takes me.
That sounds great! And what do you do besides studying?
I have a rather unusual passion – I love to knit and crochet. I took up this hobby during the pandemic when we were spending so much time at home. It’s quite relaxing and helps me to unwind.
One last question: What advice do you have for those who are interested in computer science, but are still unsure if that is the right choice for them?
I didn’t always ace my math classes at school, but that hasn’t stopped me. You certainly need a basic understanding of math, but your school grades should not necessarily be the deciding factor. More important is your interest and willingness to keep learning. There are preparatory courses in math (available in German only) to help you get started. Being a team player is also important, since so many of the assignments involve group work.
© Universität Bremen
Meike Wienholt is from Bremerhaven and came to Bremen to study computer science. The 25-year-old is part of the student marketing campaign #YOUKNOWWHY. Learn more about Meike’s university experience and why the University of Bremen could be the right choice for you.
Further information
Available places for bachelor’s degree programs can be found on the Central Student Advisory Service website. The list will be updated again in early September.