up2date. Das Onlinemagazin der Universtiät Bremen

Orientation Week – Your Start to University Life

During orientation week, you can ask questions, make new friends, and get to know the campus

Teaching & Learning / Starting Your Degree

If you are going to start your degree at the University of Bremen in the 2024 winter semester, make sure to mark your calendar for the period from October 7 to 10. As a first-year student, you can look forward to events planned by your faculty to help you to get to know the campus and become part of the university community, as well as degree-specific introductory events and useful workshops. up2date. spoke with students Nils Kaufholz and Rafael Ditter, who are involved in the student committee of their programs and helped plan the orientation week.

The Uni-Start Portal holds a wealth of tips to guide you before your degree begins, such as how to find your way around campus, how to create your individual schedule, and how to activate your university account so that you can receive emails related to your degree program and use Wi-Fi on campus.

You will also find your faculty’s orientation week program for your specific degree. The items on the program vary depending on your degree subject. Whether it is meeting your future professors, a campus tour, a Flunkyball contest, or a barbecue – all these things not only help you to settle in at university, but also to become part of the community and make new friends. In addition to these casual activities, there will also be many events providing you with important information.

The orientation week is mostly organized jointly by the Academic Advisory Offices and the student bodies (StugA). At other universities, StugAs are also called student councils. While the Academic Advisory Offices are made up of university staff who can help you with administrative questions such as examination regulations and degree program planning, StugAs are made up of students. A StugA is the elected representative body of a degree program and represents your interests in committees and in university policy in general. They are the students’ point of contact for your degree program and welcome you during orientation week.

Portrait Nils Kaufholz
Nils Kaufholz is in his 5th semester of a law degree. This year, he is helping to organize the orientation week for his StugA.
© Annemarie Popp / Universität Bremen

New Law Students Explore the City Center

Nils Kaufholz is in his 5th semester of a law degree at the University of Bremen, where he is active in the Faculty of Law’s student body and is working as a team leader during orientation week. Together with the faculty’s Academic Advisory Office, he and his fellow students have organized this year’s orientation week. This year, first-year law students at the University of Bremen have something special to look forward to. Starting in the winter semester, many law lectures will be held at Forum at Domshof, the university’s new downtown location. Nils Kaufholz can’t wait, “The big welcome event on Monday morning will take place in the Glocke concert hall this year. In the afternoon, Mayor Dr. Bovenschulte will give a welcome address in the foyer of the new building. In addition to the city rally and the pub crawl, where first-year law students can get to know Bremen’s city center, there will also be a guided tour of Forum at Domshof and a campus tour in Horn-Lehe. From his own experience, Nils Kaufholz knows that participating in orientation week is worthwhile not only because of the fun activities. “I would advise everyone to come to the small group meetings, where we team leaders tell the first-year students about things like the semester fee, exam registration, and program requirements.” As all first-year students are automatically enrolled in the new integrated Bachelor of Laws program this year, and parts of this program are undergoing fundamental changes, such an introduction is particularly useful.”

Rafael Ditter stands on the beach, with the sea and a sunset behind him.
Rafael Ditter is a student of Business Studies and is active in the Economics StugA.
© Privat

A Fair for the Economists

StugA member Rafael Ditter and six fellow students are organizing this year’s orientation week for first-year Economics students. The 20-year-old is in his 5th semester of business studies. What he is most looking forward to: “The orientation week will definitely be exciting. This year, for the first time, we are hosting a fair on Monday in the WiWi 2 building / Haus am Fleet, at the supermarket car parking lot. The “barbecue with professors” is sure to be fun again this year and will take place on Thursday, followed by a pub crawl. For first-year students, his advice is not only to use the orientation week to get to know the people with whom you might be spending the next few years of your university life. But he also recommends that you “Take in as much information as you possibly can, and don’t hesitate to talk to the team leaders or us from StugA if you have any questions – we’ll be happy to help.”

Orientation courses by degree program and by teacher training program are listed at the Uni-Start Portal.

Information for First-Year Students

In addition, the Uni-Start Portal lists the orientation week events and services available to first-year students of all degree programs. Among others, you can find out how to finance your university education, about studying abroad, and how the university can support you if you have a disability. On October 10, 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., you can also get to know the University of Bremen’s support services at the “Info-Börse” (information fair) in GW2 building.

More Information Is Available on the Uni-Start Portal

Orientation courses by degree program and by teacher training program

Interdisciplinary courses

Preparations and tips before starting your degree

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